“Salus Per Aquam.” The customary meaning of the Latin, “Sonus Per Aqua,” “Salut Per Aqua,” or “Sanitas Per Aquas,” is health from water, or health that comes through water. The Latin words are a combination of “Sanities” – “Health” and “Aqua” – “Water” and translate as health that comes through water.


We promoting inclusiveness and diversity within our workplace and in all facilities, we encourage a is an open-minded, global company culture through diversity. We are an equal employment opportunity company, that is committed to having a diverse work force.


Our Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy is that We believe personal wellness goes hand-in-hand with environmental wellness and that companies should conduct themselves using responsible and ethical business practices, policies and initiatives.


The travel and tourism industry has been one of the most resilient and fastest-growing economic sectors globally. Wellness activities, including wellness tourism, help create a healthier population, which in turn becomes an economically more productive population, one with more spending power, disposable income, and desire to travel. . Wellness tourism, which offers opportunities to de-stress, detox, and strengthen one’s well-being, could be a long-term solution for returning to even healthier and more sustainable destinations. Increasing numbers of people travel to realize greater wellness in their lives. They endeavor to maintain a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, prevent disease, and enhance their overall physical and mental well-being.